Glorya GmbH

Software Engineering Working Student - AI Start-up


Location: Berlin, in-person only

Company: Generative AI Marketing Start-up

Skills: Building full-stack web apps, Next.js, TypeScript, html, CSS, Postgres


  • support in building tools to scale generative performance marketing to thousands of small businesses

  • take full ownership of projects and bring ideas from 0 to 1

  • work closely with our users to transform novel insights into effective features


  • hand-on experience with our tech stack (Next.js, TypeScript, html, CSS, Postgres)

  • being comfortable with fast-pace field and environment

  • perferably experience in frontend / web development / UX Design


  • work at a fast growing startup at an early team (we grow ~20% MoM)

  • you will have the opportunity to work on some of the most exciting AI topics in the field of marketing
  • Karrierestufe

  • Beschäftigungsverhältnis

  • Tätigkeitsbereich

  • Branchen


Mit einer Empfehlung lassen sich Ihre Chancen auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch bei Glorya GmbH verdoppeln.

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